Simple Tips Install Adsense Ads to Increase Earning


How do I put so many Adsense ad position clicked by visitors to the blog? To answer this question, I will try to give an answer from personal experiment, and the story of the successful publisher in the official blog Google Adsense and of several other tutorials.

Based on the support team Google Adsense and Adsense official blog review, the basic principles of Adsense ad placement in general are:
  • Positions above ads better than the under. Usually the ads placed in the post or on the title of the article more widely seen and will certainly lead to a lot of clicks as well.
  • The position on the left better than the right. In general, when a visitor comes to your blog he saw the first position is a position in the top left like reading a book.
  • The closer ads posting, the more often the ad is visible and has a high CTR.
Simple Tips Install Adsense Ads to Increase Earning 4.5 5 Islam Online How do I put so many Adsense ad position clicked by visitors to the blog? To answer this question, I will try to give an answer from personal experiment, and the story of the successful publisher in the official blog Google Adsense and of several other tutorials. How do I put so many Adsense ad position clicked by visitors to the blog ? To answer this question , I will try to give an ans...

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